
Christmas Party

     Yesterday, we had a Christmas party with a member of a club called OZ. At that party, there were people dressed up and exchanged for presentations, it was interesting. By the way, I got a memory foam pillow for exchange presents. The most interesting project was the result of a questionnaire on how OZ members think about other people.



     My favorite movie is THERUMAE ROMAE. The movie was made by Hideki Takeuchi in 2012 and got the 67th Mainichi Film Contest TSUTAYA Movie Fan award Japanese Film Division. Hiroshi Abe was starred in it.
      In ancient Rome and modern Japan, Lusius Modeatus, an ancient Roman bath designer, suddenly slips back from a public bath in Rome to a Japanese public bath in the 21st century. Since then, he had made many round trips between ancient Rome and modern Japanese baths, witnessing numerous facilities and ingenuity, and incorporating it into ancient Rome. On the other hand, Yamakoshi Mami, a young Japanese woman aspiring to be a manga artist, is intrigued by the fact that he comes in contact with Lucius every time he appears in modern Japan. Lucius, who gained fame by building a new bath in Rome, modeled on what he saw in modern Japan, will eventually become the bath designer of the emperor Hadrian and get the knowledge of his neighbor Antoninus. Eventually, Hadrian ordered Lucius to build a new bath for Caionius, who he considers to be his successor. Lucius then slips back to Japan again and this time appears in an old hot spring inn that is the true home. There was the truth that gave up the way to the manga artist and was determined to succeed the parents' hot spring inn. The truth was that we had to study Latin and ancient Roman history in preparation for the day we reunited with Lucius and to have a perfect conversation with him. And the truth is also time slipped to ancient Rome by getting involved in Lucius returning.  In the end Based on the experience with Lucius, it came to an end when Lucius came back in time before the truth, when he began to challenge the manga artist again.
     I like the scene where the protagonist of this movie slips in time and is surprised by modern Japanese culture every time, and the scene that has become a hot topic of the Roman people by incorporating that culture into Rome.



    Today, I was surprised that the bat and horse are related species. This information was broadcast on a program called "Testuwan Dash". Pegasoferae is a group of mammals that collectively refer to horses, spiders, cats and pangolins. Pangolin is an animal similar to armadillo. However, when I searched at Pegasoferae, it was concluded that Pegasoferae was not a natural classification in subsequent molecular phylogenetic studies.


Helping Harvest

     Today, I went to Akitsucho to help  mandarin oranges harvest with my club senior. We helped harvest from around 8am to 11am. We received non standard oranges from a farmer after help is over. The mandarin orange we received this time was very delicious variety called Ishiji.


Finished Test

     I am very happy that the third test is over. The physical test I was worried about being easier than I thought, and I thought I can get a credit.However, if there were days when there were three tests, there were days when there was nothing, so I wanted the schedule to be adjusted a little more easily.

Food Festa

     Today we opened a store at Hiroshima Food Festa with culb of Taguchi Mushi. I was in charge of cooking from start to finish so I was tired. We made soups and "daigakuimo" that is candied sweet potatoes using sweet potatoes we grew up. We were happy because we were able to sell all the products and we were in the black.